Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am still excited about spring

.....between yesterday morning and this morning I have come down with a nasty head cold. Samuel and Jessica have it as well. Then this morning we wake up to a spring snowfall with a fairly nasty wind....but it takes alot more than that to get me feeling less than fabulous.....because my headache is still less, although it did threaten to get worse this morning as my neck muscles really do not like to brush the snow off of the car!!!! Then I left my cell phone in my spring jacket that I have been wearing...then I stopped at Staples to do some photo-copying...then I locked my keys in the car (since it has been so nice I took my extra set out of my purse, lol)....then while I was waiting for a ride I reeeally had to go to the bathroom, but the water was turned off in Staples because of some some water line work, and therefore the bathroom was locked and out of service.
If you asked me how I am...I would still say FABULOUS, because life is nice with less pain


  1. Sometimes life is just so ridiculous, you just have to laugh. I'm glad you are staying positive, and that the pain is less. But what is up with the weather? ha ha!

  2. Sunday it is supposed to be nice again here!?!
